2015-11 Monster Working Bee

Monster Working Bee Attendees:
Rob Duff, Neil Davey, Slawko Kulyk, Greg West, Bernie Clapcott, Garth Julius, Neil Chambers, Mark Emerson, Brian Stewart & Garry Cooper, Brenda Daniels, Paul Langenberg, Peter Burchall, Laurie Miles, Heidi Muehelbach, Trajco Vilarov, Bill Motschall, John Chenoweth, Ann Pinney, Mike Bourke,, Dianne Chenoweth, Rebecca Schlosmacher, Sally Kidd, Neville Kidd, Grace Azzam, Leeanda Berryman, Gabi Azzam, Duncan Stadler, Rick Ellerton, Sarah Stadler, Alan Dalton, Lisa Ellerton, Jan Chivers, Ken Hilderbrand, Sharon Davey & Melanie Davey & Greg Howarth
Greg hands out the working bee tasks for the weekend The concrete pour begins Many hands make light work! The smoothing of the concrete begins
Rob, Greg & Mark smooth off the concrete while Neil watches on Duncan smooths off the edges Greg pours Sally & Neil a celebratory glass of bubbly after the concrete pour Slawko & Rebecca work hard to clean up the low bridge
Garry & Bill return from spraying the thistles Heidi makes light work of a fallen tree on the fenceline near the Terip Road gate Rob & Bernie reposition a fallen fence post on the fenceline near the Terip Road gate Heidi cuts another fallen tree which had fallen across the fenceline
Brian works on a plan to reposition some pictures in the Hilton Leeanda, Lisa & Brenda take a break during their busy weekend Rick, Duncan, Garry & Brian reposition more photos Many hands make light work as the guys reposition the pics
Reflection time in the Hiton after repositioning some pics The TLCCV Banner made by the Stiich and Bitch Team is placed on the wall at the Hilton Close up of the new banner Picture of Joy Thomas & the Yarck Memorial Garden placed on the wall in the Hilton
Greg fries up some bacon and eggs for breakfast in the Hilton 20151121 095118 WorkingNearTeripRoad WorkingBee-ChampagneCelebration